Night of Chances London is an event of London branch of the Slovak NPO Nexteria, for Slovaks, who study and work there. Some of them eventually consider return to home to become parts of interesting and meaningful projects. That is why we accepted Nexteria invitation to Imperial College London. We presented GA Drilling as a noticeable Slovak employer, who offers opportunity to work on world-class technology for specialised technology professions.
The co-founder and CEO of GA Drilling Igor Kočiš personally joined the discussion on global career opportunities in Slovakia. For selected attendees, we prepared a workshop led by our experts – Head of R&D Marek Gebura, Tomáš Balog from the team of applied physics and Lukáš Karaffa from electricians’ team.
To achieve ambitious goals with global impact on energetics we need a strong team of experienced experts from various branches, so GA Drilling at Night of Chances sent a clear signal to Slovaks in London – come back to make global career at home! ”We are choice for ambitious people interested in professional growth. We honour their human experience and know-how they acquired living abroad, their goal-oriented and active approach, as well as professional habits. GA Drilling is a unique company, developing its own technology and getting support of interesting foreign investors. That’s why I believe we can be one of the reasons why also Slovaks would like to join us and return home,“ Igor Kočiš said.
Our colleague Tomáš Balog belongs to those, who – after five years of work at research institute in Germany – came back to Slovakia through LEAF organisation: ”I wanted to continue doing research, so GA Drilling was my clear choice. In spite, I worried about Slovak red tape, finally it was not so bad compared to Germany. Coming back to Slovakia makes sense to me, because we can move forward this country only thanks to own experience we acquired abroad.“
GA Drilling presentation took place on Saturday, October 21st, 2017 in the afternoon at Imperial College London, Sir Alexander Fleming building.
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